iClickers for Students
What are iClickers?
Some courses on campus use the iClicker student response system. This system allows students to actively participate in classroom discussions/quizzes/surveys through the use of a wireless iClicker remote or through the iClicker App or web interfaces. Instructors pose questions which you can then respond to using your own iClicker. These responses can then be collected and tabulated by the instructor in real time. Students and instructors can review these sessions through the iClicker student app.
Acquiring an iClicker
iClickers are not provided by your instructor - you must purchase your own - either a iClicker Remote or subscription to the iClicker student app
New iClicker remotes can be purchased at the University Bookstore
Used iClickers remotes can also be purchased through the Bookstore or from other students
The University Bookstore will purchase used iClickers
Alternatively, students can subscribe to iClicker Cloud and use the Google App, Apple App, or Web App to participate without an iClicker remote
“A fee is charged to re-register a used iClicker through iClicker Cloud. Other than the cost of a new iClicker remote, there is no fee to create an account through iClicker Cloud to participate. Only Students using the online apps will need to purchase an iClicker Subscription.”
Registering an iClicker
You must first create a free account through iClicker Cloud
Select ‘University of Guelph‘ as your institution
Provide your name, your University of Guelph email address and your 7-digit university of Guelph student number as ‘Student ID’
If you are using an iClicker remote; register your Remote ID (the 8-Digit code found on the back of your iClicker)
If you are not using an iClicker remote; purchase a subscription to iClicker Cloud
Your instructor will post a link in the course’s CourseLink content page directing you to the iClicker course
Tutorial Videos
iClicker FAQs
Need More Help?
If you're still having trouble, please contact the CourseLink Support team for assistance.