Accessing Gradescope — UofG OpenEd Documentation & Support

Accessing Gradescope


How to Access Gradescope

Gradescope can be accessed two ways – directly via or via the link in a CourseLink course site’s content tool (if the instructor is using the integration option). 

  1. Accessing Gradescope Directly

  2. Accessing Gradescope via CourseLink 


Accessing Gradescope Directly

Gradescope can be accessed directly via Gradescope login, then selecting the School Credentials option and signing in with your central login id and password via Single Sign On (SSO), just like you would access CourseLink. 

shows login window with a school credentials button outlined in red

After signing in to Gradescope directly, you will see a list of all your courses that contain Gradescope assignments. Click on the name/code of the course, then select the appropriate assignment to make a submission (if required), review feedback (if released), or request a regrade (if enabled).

shows where to select course on gradescope

Not all instructors will include a link to Gradescope assignments in CourseLink. If they do, the assignment will be accessible on Gradescope by clicking the appropriate link in the course site’s Content tool.  

The name and location of the link in the Content tool is at the discretion of your instructor. If you are having difficulty locating the link, please follow up with the course instructor or TA. 

Accessing a Gradescope assignment via the CourseLink Content tool will take you directly to the assignment on Gradescope. From there you may make a submission (if required), review feedback (if released), or request a regrade (if enabled).

Selecting Content in the course menu bar will reveal the course site’s Table of Contents. 

shows menu bar with Content button outlined in red

Locate the Content module that includes the link to the Gradescope assignment and select the integrated Gradescope assignment from the list of topics. 

Indicates Module in red rectangle and assignments in red rectangular area

Note: Links to Gradescope assignments can be added to any module in the Content tool and may not appear in a separate module titled Gradescope as in the above example. 


Gradescope Course-Level Access

In most cases your instructor will have added you to the Gradescope course, however if you were a late add to the course you may not have access if the Gradescope Roster was not updated after you were added to the course. If you are unable to see the assignment on Gradescope, please contact your instructor to ensure you appear on the Gradescope course roster.  If they confirm you are on the roster and you are still experiencing issues seeing the assignment, please contact CourseLink Support. 

TIP: If your instructor has used the CourseLink integration and provided a direct link to your Gradescope assignment via the Content tool, clicking that link will automatically add you to the Gradescope course roster and provide access to the assignment. 


Accessing a Gradescope Course via a Join Code

In some cases, instructors may elect to provide a join code for their course.  

In the Gradescope Dashboard select Add a course

Area oulined in red to indicates how to add course in Gradescope

Then, in the pop-up window, use your instructor-provided entry code to enroll in the course. For more information, see: Gradescope Support Article on joining a course using a course code.

shows gradescope pop up window where students can input their instructor-provided entry code to enroll in a course