Gradescope’s CourseLink Integration
Gradescope’s CourseLink integration is available on all course sites via the Content tool. The integration allows instructors to create a new Gradescope assignment or connect to an existing Gradescope assignment in a corresponding Gradescope course.
When a Gradescope assignment is created via the integration, a corresponding CourseLink grade item associated with the Gradescope assignment is automatically created in the CourseLink site’s Grades tool. Scores and grades can then be posted (pushed) from Gradescope assignments to their associated CourseLink grade items.
Instructors also use the integration to sync their Gradescope course’s Roster with their CourseLink course site’s Classlist to provide appropriate access to Gradescope for students, TAs, and instructors.
Please review the materials on this page to learn how to:
Create Gradescope Assignments via the CourseLink Integration
Please follow the steps below to integrate a new Gradescope assignment with your CourseLink course site. Please note that some recommendations on options may differ depending on the Gradescope assignment type you are creating or what information you want to share with your students.
- Select Content from the navigation bar of your CourseLink course site.
- From the Table of Contents, use the Add a module... option or select an existing module and set it to hidden.
Note: If you would like students to be able to access the assignment through CourseLink, you will want to make the module visible once setup is complete. In most cases, modules should be left hidden from students for bubble sheets assignments or assignments used for final exams.
- Select the Existing Activities button and then select Gradescope Deep Link from the dropdown menu.
- Select A new Gradescope Assignment and press the Link Assignment button.
- Select one of the available Gradescope assignment types from the Assignment Types menu and press the Next button.
- Enter your assignment name, select the available settings options for the assignment type, and press the Create Assignment button.
Note: This will simultaneously create an associated CourseLink grade item with the same name in the grades tool.
Example Bubble Sheet Settings Options
Available setting options vary by assignment type. For bubble sheet assignments, Submission Anonymization is typically not enabled and ‘instructor’ is selected for the Who Will Upload Submissions option. More information on settings options for other assignment types can be found below:
- The Gradescope assignment has now been created in a corresponding Gradescope course linked to your CourseLink site and can be accessed from the link created in the Content tool.
Note: The corresponding grade item created in your course site is visible and set with default Maximum Points (1) and Weight (10) values. It is recommended that you modify the grade item settings next.
How to Modify the Gradescope Grade Item
- Access Grades from the course site's navigation bar and be sure you are on the Manage Grades page.
- Locate the Gradescope assignment's associated grade item.
Note: It will have the same title as your assignment and should be located just above Final Calculated Grade.
- Select the context menu (down-facing arrow) and select Hide from Users to ensure students cannot see the item.
Note: It is recommended to hide the grade item to allow you to review the grades in CourseLink after they are transfered from Gradescope, then you may release the grades to student by making them visible (if desired).
- Next, you will want to adjust the default Maximum Points (1) and Weight (10) values for the grade item associated with your Gradescope assignment. Begin by clicking the Gradescope assignment grade item's title.
Note: If you do not know these values yet, just remember to update the item prior to pushing grades to CourseLink from Gradescope.
- Enter the appropriate values under Maximum Points and Weight, then press the Save and Close button.
Note: Gradescope creates the grade item with the Can Exceed option enabled. This allows you to include bonus questions in your Gradescope assignments if desired. There is no need to disable the option if you are not using bonus questions.
Sync a Gradescope Roster with a CourseLink Site’s Classlist
Once you have created (or linked) your Gradescope assignment through the CourseLink integration, you will need to sync the Gradescope course’s Roster with your CourseLink Classlist. Doing so provides appropriate access to all the participants on your Classlist to the assignments on your Gradescope site. For example, students listed on your course site’s Classlist tool are imported with the student role to the Gradescope Roster. However, both Instructors and TAs are imported to Gradescope with the Gradescope Instructor role. TAs can be adjusted to the Gradescope TA role after import if desired, however the only differences between the instructor and TA roles in Gradescope is that TA names are anonymous to students and TAs are unable to duplicate courses.
Please note that the Roster sync is a manually triggered on-demand process, it does not happen automatically. As such, it is recommended that you re-sync your Gradescope Roster with your CourseLink site’s Classlist prior to any uploads of submissions to Gradescope to ensure the most up-to-date list is available and all students have the appropriate access if required for the assignment(s).
To sync your Gradescope Roster with your CourseLink site’s Classlist, please follow the steps provided below.
- Access your Gradescope assignment via the CourseLink integration by clicking the link that was created in the Content tool.
Note: You may also access your Gradescope course now that it has been set up through the integration by logging into with your school credentials via single sign on (SSO).
- The assignment's page will open in a new tab in Gradescope. From here, return to the Gradescope course's main page by clicking the course code near the top of the left menu.
- Select the Roster option on the left toolbar.
- At the bottom of the page, click on the Sync CourseLink Roster button.
Note: If this is your first sync, the option to sync with CourseLink will also be presented in the middle of the page.
- You will be prompted to select if you would like users to receive an email notification informing them that they have been added to the Gradescope course (enabled by default). If you would not like to inform them (typically deselected for bubble sheet assignments or final exams that will not be reviewed), uncheck the box. Then click the Sync Roster button.
- Once the sync completes, a confirmation that it was successful will appear at the top of the page along with a summary of how many users were added, updated, or removed.
Post Grades from Gradescope to CourseLink
Once an assignment’s submissions have been graded on Gradescope, the scores can be pushed to the corresponding grade item on CourseLink.
Important Note: Be certain that the associated grade item on CourseLink has the proper Maximum Points and Weight values for the assignment set prior to posting grades from Gradescope. More information on changing those values can be found in the How to Modify the Gradescope Grade Item section above.
To post your grades from a Gradescope assignment to the corresponding CourseLink grade item, please follow the steps below.
- Access your assignment on Gradescope and select the Review Grades option from the left toolbar.
Note: You may access the assignment directly via the link created in your CourseLink Content tool or by logging in with your school credentials using SSO through
- From the bottom menu, press the Post Grades to CourseLink button.
Note: This will not publish the grades or make feedback available through Gradescope, it will only push the scores to the corresponding associated grade item in CourseLink. If that grade item is hidden, students will not see their grades or receive a notification until you make the CourseLink grade item visible.
- A confirmation box of which course site and grade item the grades will be posted to appears. To send the grades, press the Post Grades button. Upon completion a grades successfully posted to CourseLink message will appear.
Note: Once the posting process completes, it is recommended to check the grades on the CourseLink site to confirm everything looks as expected.
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