Student Tips for Gradescope Exams & Quizzes Assignments — UofG OpenEd Documentation & Support

Student Tips for Gradescope Exams & Quizzes Assignments



Be sure to write your name and student ID clearly in the correct areas.

To access Gradescope assignments, you can click the link to Gradescope from your CourseLink Content area or click a direct link to any Gradescope assignment.

Short answer: you enter your response on Gradescope using a word, number/equation, or a few words. Responses are auto-graded as ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’ based on an instructor-provided correct answer.

Free response: you enter your response on Gradescope using multiple lines or paragraphs.

Multiple choice: you select the single correct answer from a group of options on your screen.

Select all: you select all the correct answers from a group of options on your screen.

File upload: you answer the question outside of Gradescope and then upload a file or image of the answer.

For more information please visit Gradescope’s Student Centre.

Gradescope Support

Additional student support information for Gradescope can be found on our Gradescope Support for Students page.